Friday, 13 September 2013

This World

You said that I'm so lucky, to have never been teased, to have never been bullied, to have never been humiliated. Well I just want to tell you, some times, things happen and no one knows. But that doesn't mean that those things did not happen, neither does that mean that I've forgotten them. So you think I've never been teased, or bullied, or humiliated. Really? Is it that I've never been treated like a loser, never been looked down upon? Or is it that you just don't know?

Well let me tell you little darling, in life we all have our fair shares of everything. You can never always be the best, and you can never always be the worst. You can never be the most popular, and you can never be the most hated. But most importantly, God will NEVER let someone have ALL the happiness, and another person have ALL the pain.

We're different, so your idea of "being bullied", is your friends joking about your score. And what's more ridiculous, is that you're the highest in class, and you are just a mere 4 years old. So in this case, they're being kind in their "bullying". But do you have any idea what happened to me? It's ok if you don't cuz I promised myself that I will NEVER let anyone know about these nasty, sad and "loser-like" moments, because I need my pride. I've lost it before, thanks to a special someone who convinced me that I was a loser, and for those who haven't, it sucks. Really. So I won't let myself lose it again.

Then I asked you what you thought of the world. You said people are nice, and things are happy. WOW. I remember when I used to think like that too. When was that? Seems like a thousand miles away.. But I understand. When you're that young, you think that the world is make of chocolates and sweets, and everyone are angels without their halos. I don't want to spoil that image in your mind, cuz it's just so perfect. And I want you to see for yourself exactly how evil this world can be.

You think people are angels huh? Yup, there are indeed many angels around, but do you know, some of these angels are just putting up this face to trick you, waiting for that one moment to tear you apart and leave you alone, broken. And then there are the other people who don't even act like angels. They are the devils that you'll see. They treat you as badly as those "angels", but the good thing is, they won't trick you. And sometimes, in these devils, you'll see a little angel. Perhaps the angel is so tiny that you'll need to squint to see it, but it's there, and you know it. I hope you see the real angels and the real devils.

Well my little angel, I love you so very much, and I don't want you to be scared by the devils. To be honest, everyone is both an angel and a devil. But I'm very sorry, but some people to me are just plain devils, but that's because they did some pretty nasty things to me that left me broken and made me cry. I know they have an angel in them, but little darling, I'm sorry, I don't bother looking for the angel in these people. But I know you will. You are a little angel, so use your little magic, fix those broken people, and change those people who break others.

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